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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008268VALENTINA SERVERInstallationpublic2018-05-28 19:03
ReporterChris Zakrewsky Assigned ToRuslan Zasukhin  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformINTELOSWindowsOS Version*
Product Version8.2.x 
Fixed in Version8.3.x 
Summary0008268: VServer_x64 v8.3 installation package distributes wrong version of vcruntime140.dll
DescriptionWhen Windows 10 instance is missing installed Distributables package from Visual Studio 2015, VServer installation fails (unable to start Service).

When running through debugger, I noticed that VServer_x64.exe tries to load the delivered vcruntime140.dll and then immediately unloads it. Then it tries to load it again from several other locations (i.e. the one delivered with VStudio). Then it gives up.

The common ground for all tested platforms was that vcruntime140.dll was missing in C:\Windows\System32.

When installing Visual Studio 2017 or Distributables for VS 2015 the vcruntime140.dll is placed in aforementioned directory and resolved from there by VServer thus cloaking the original problem.

However it is enough to replace the vcruntime140.dll in VServer x64 directory with one from C:\Windows\System32 to get VServer to start correctly.

Looking on vcruntime140.dll time stamp or its version is useless waste of time due to Microsoft's weird approach to versioning (the same "version" and date does not mean the same binary). Go figure...
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Ruslan Zasukhin

Ruslan Zasukhin

2018-05-28 05:52

administrator   ~0010194

Hi Chris,

Let me clarify, you talk about 8.2.x or 8.3 ?
Chris Zakrewsky

Chris Zakrewsky

2018-05-28 07:32

reporter   ~0010195

Yes, 8.3 (I could not choose it in your BugTracker).

Out of 6 machines I tested, VServer wouldn't start on 2 of them. Both were lacking prior Visual Studio installation.

The error message in GUI was about 'not responding' and in Event Viewer was something about 'bad image'. It could mean Windows got confused by multithtreading or something like that, I don't know. Not a corrupted image per se I guess.
Ruslan Zasukhin

Ruslan Zasukhin

2018-05-28 12:08

administrator   ~0010197

8,3,1 -- fix in .iss -- vcruntime14.dll was used from x86 folder. Must be x64
Chris Zakrewsky

Chris Zakrewsky

2018-05-28 16:02

reporter   ~0010198

And also msvcp140.dll. The same story?
Ruslan Zasukhin

Ruslan Zasukhin

2018-05-28 19:03

administrator   ~0010199

yes, both dlls was fixed in .iss file

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-05-26 20:37 Chris Zakrewsky New Issue
2018-05-28 05:52 Ruslan Zasukhin Note Added: 0010194
2018-05-28 07:32 Chris Zakrewsky Note Added: 0010195
2018-05-28 12:08 Ruslan Zasukhin Note Added: 0010197
2018-05-28 12:08 Ruslan Zasukhin Status new => resolved
2018-05-28 12:08 Ruslan Zasukhin Fixed in Version => 8.3.x
2018-05-28 12:08 Ruslan Zasukhin Resolution open => fixed
2018-05-28 12:08 Ruslan Zasukhin Assigned To => Ruslan Zasukhin
2018-05-28 16:02 Chris Zakrewsky Note Added: 0010198
2018-05-28 16:02 Chris Zakrewsky Status resolved => feedback
2018-05-28 16:02 Chris Zakrewsky Resolution fixed => reopened
2018-05-28 19:03 Ruslan Zasukhin Note Added: 0010199
2018-05-28 19:03 Ruslan Zasukhin Status feedback => resolved
2018-05-28 19:03 Ruslan Zasukhin Resolution reopened => fixed