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Data Editor - Marked Records

In most applications that show grid with some columns and rows we are used to select few records as shown on the following picture.

To select few rows we usually use SHIFT + DOWN/UP ARROW keys on keyboard. Note, that in this selection all rows have the same priority. And this is why for Valentina Studio we have develop another mechanism of marked records, where we have a little more functionality. This is required for Related Table mode operations.

For now let's consider how this looks in the Single Table mode.

Grid has a special “marks” column, which is always the first column. You can click by mouse its cell to mark a record. You can also press SPACEBAR button while a cell of the mark-column is selected (it has then a blue border).

Important feature of the Marked Records selection is that Valentina Studio remembers the order, in which you have select rows.


In the menu Record you will find the following commands to work with marked records:

  • Mark All Records – this command marks all records of the table that present in the grid currently. If you have filter, which show e.g. 100 records from million, than this operation marks these 100 records.
  • Unmark All Records – this command unmarks all marked records.
  • Show Marked Records – this command shows in the grid only marked records. They are still marked. Other records are hidden. This operation can be executed while you already have a filter applied.
  • Hide Marked Records – this command hides in the grid the marked records. They are still marked. You can, for example, after this mark more records and hide them also.
  • Show All Records – this command reset state after “Show/Hide Marked Records” commands. You again will see all records of the grid. This command also resets state of a FILTER if it exists. Note that marked records still are marked.
Click on the header of the mark-column works as “Mark All Records” if currently at least one record is not marked. Otherwise it works as “Unmark All Records”.

Marked and Filtered Records

Taking into account, how a set of Marked Records can collaborate with a set of Filtered Records, we can consider Marked Records as a “Manual Filter”. Really, using a FILTER mechanism, we can select a set of records that satisfy some condition(s). Using Marked Records mechanism, we can select a set of records without any such rules. We just mark records what we want.