Valentina Release 5.5.1 Notes
Valentina Engine
db.clone working with db files in BE encoding (old Mac
OS). Issue was in text fields.
Valentina Server
[Imp] AppleScript scripts to stop/run VServer improved to avoid dialog to ask admin password.
[Fix][#6665], Linux, SET DATETIMEFORMAT in batch job did not work.
[Fix][#6688], Triggers issue with date time format of db.
Valentina Studio
[New] Added “Truncate Table…” and “Empty Table…” commands for Tables.
[Fix] Reading of exported diagrams.
[Fix][postgreSQL] Corrected reading type attributes.
[Fix] Corrected condition to show status of VServer on attempt to get SNMP port.
[Imp] Method VReport_Destructor now exists.
[Fix] Specific issue in V4REV Linux.
[Fix] Install.rev file added into linux installer.
VODBC Driver