====== Logs ====== ===== Local Mode ===== When working with a local Valentina database or local Valentina Reports project, it is possible to log diagnostic and error messages. There are three different logs: warning log and tunes log from Valentina Database engine and reports log from Valentina Reports engine. They are controlled by the properties WarningMode, TuneMode, ReportLogMode respectively. These properties are all set to FALSE by default. To turn logging on, set appropriate variable to TRUE, for example: Valentina.SqlQuery( "SET PROPERTY ReportLogMode TO TRUE" ); By default, logs are stored in the folder "vlogs", near to V4JAVA.jar library file. It can be altered, using a following query: SET PROPERTY LogFilesLocation TO '/path/to/vlogs' The folder for logs should exist in that case. Logs are useful during development and debugging process. But they should be disabled for release build. ===== Server Mode ===== When working with a remote Valentina database or remote Valentina Reports project, Valentina Server can create all kinds of logs, listed before, but also it creates log, where connections, executed queries and other events are listed. All of these logs are stored on the server. ===== VJAVA Log ===== In addition to previous logs, VJAVA has it's own log with following levels of verbosity: * kLogNothing - logs are disabled, the default state; * kLogErrors - log only errors; * kLogFunctions - log called API methods; * kLogParams - log passed params and returned values. Logging is controlled by the DebugLevel( EVDebugLevel ) and DebugLevel() methods of the Valentina class, for example: Valentina.DebugLevel( EVDebugLevel.kLogFunctions ); EVDebugLevel level = Valentina.DebugLevel(); Log is stored in the folder "vlogs", near V4JAVA.jar library file.