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Valentina Release 2.5.8 Notes

Paradigma Software announces Valentina Release 2.5.8, a free upgrade to users of Valentina 2.x database technology. Valentina Release 2.5.8 adds modest feature improvements and issues based on feedback by users and new versions of Valentina.

The number listed is the feedback number found in our feedback system.

Learning Valentina 2.5.8

Valentina Release 2.5.8 was the last release of the 2.5.x series. There is a very large number of customers who use it.

If You received 2.5.8 though a special promotion, please visit the Valentina 2.5.8 Classic Page.

Improvements and Fixes

These user requests and fixes were corrected in this release.

Valentina Database Kernel 2.5.8

  • 0002237: [SQL] SubSelect result can be unexpected when using NOT IN

Valentina for Director 2.5.8

  • 0002252: [Change] Windows Version now build with MS Visual Studio 2005
  • 0002247: [API] SetMedia/GetMedia variations from Valentina 1.x behavior improved.

Valentina for REALbasic 2.5.8

  • 0002241: [Fields] VTable.Field(fieldName) in certain situations when using remote databases could return not NIL as appropriate
  • 0002251: [Client] RecordExists( myRec ) can cause an unexpected result with Valentina Embedded Server under certain circumstances

Valentina for Revolution 2.5.8

  • 0002253: [Change] Windows Version now build with MS Visual Studio 2005

Valentina COM 2.5.8

  • 0002254: [Change] Windows Version now build with MS Visual Studio 2005

Valentina VSDK 2.5.8

  • 0002255: [Change] Windows Version now build with MS Visual Studio 2005

Valentina ODBC 2.5.8

  • 0002255: [Change] Windows Version now build with MS Visual Studio 2005
  • 0002250: [Fields] SQLParamData with SQLPutData can produce unexpected results with Text field (LONGVARCHAR)
  • 0002249: [Fields] String updates can fail when working with Microsoft Access
  • 0002248: [API] SQLParamData and SQLPutData reported as not supported to

Driver Manager

Valentina Studio 2.5.8

  • 0002224: [Data Editor] Saving from the Data Editor can have an unexpected result when attempting to save a new record in a table
  • 0002246: [SQL Editor] Tooltip display issue resolved
  • 0002230: [Application Menu] File.Open menu item sometimes produces unexpected result
  • 0002218: [Schema Editor] Tooltip appearance issue resolved
  • 0002219: [Data Editor] Schema Browser icons sometimes do not gray out when expected
  • 0002245: [Data Editor] Unexpected result when quitting app while there is an opened data editor for tables with linked tables.
  • 0002244: [Data Editor] DELETE records (marked) now do db.flush() properly
  • 0002243: [Editor Toolbar] Now show only buttons related to the currently selected object.