1. Beatrix Willius
  2. Valentina Server
  3. Sonntag, August 28 2022, 10:12 AM
  4.  Abonnieren via E-Mail
Many moons ago I started with my own version of Valentina Server. These days I finally finished the installer.

There is one remaining problem. I want to use slightly different start_me.sh and stop_me.sh scripts so that I can use them from the Xojo shell. Basically, I took the sudos out. The changed scripts work fine when I use them in Terminal. But nothing happens when I use them from within Xojo. If I execute the stop script the server is still running afterwards.

I made a simple Xojo app with three buttons to stop, start and check the server. https://imgur.com/im6e8rD.png . For authorisation I use the MBS plugin.

Code is available at https://www.mothsoftware.com/downloads/stopstart.zip . I also added the changed start_me.sh and stop_me.sh scripts. The installer makes sure that the scripts have the correct permissions. Using Xojo 2022r2 on High Sierra and 2022r3beta on Ventura beta 6.

What am I doing wrong?

I hope that you are doing as well as can be expected.
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François Van Lerberghe Akzeptierte Antwort
Seems to me that since the script execute an admin command (in a folder with read write permission to Admin account). you must use "sudo". Even you asked authorisation "KeepRights". As I understand, System won't ask again the password, but you must use "sudo".
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Beatrix Willius Akzeptierte Antwort
No sudo is necessary when executing scripts with AuthorizationMBS. In fact, if there IS as sudo then the script can't work - at all. The scripts hang because they get confused with the sudo. I have some other scripts with AuthorizationMBS and neither of them needs sudo.
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François Van Lerberghe Akzeptierte Antwort
Ah. Ok.
Perhaps, try with a simple test like in MBS documentation : changing permission (chmod) on a file in /Library/LaunchDaemons
https://www.monkeybreadsoftware.net/authorization-authorizationmbs-method.shtml#17. Is it working as expected ?
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Beatrix Willius Akzeptierte Antwort
Changing the permissions shouldn't be needed either because the installer installs everything as root:https://imgur.com/8e8of3S.png
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François Van Lerberghe Akzeptierte Antwort
No, that's not I want to say. I suggested you try the process with a simple command (chmod or other), not with the server script. This will allow to say if the issue raised from the authorisation, the command or from the script.
Thus I would try
1) with a simple command (without the script, but from xoxo)
2) with this simple command in a script, launching the script from the Xojo shell
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Beatrix Willius Akzeptierte Antwort
Thanks for trying to help. But I haven't a clue what you mean. I have a similar script for installing the license which works fine.

The ps command doesn't work on Ventura so I'm looking for an alternative.
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François Van Lerberghe Akzeptierte Antwort
Mmmh. Perhaps Christian can help finding why there are difference between shell command from Xojo (using MBS) and command via Terminal...
Does your license install process need sudo too ?
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Beatrix Willius Akzeptierte Antwort
If the Valentina guys don't have any idea then I'll ask on the Xojo forum tomorrow. If you execute a shell script with AuthorisationMBS then the script MUST NOT contain the sudo. Or the script hangs.

The license installation script is a super simple ditto:

'write shell script to temp file
dim TempFile as FolderItem = FolderItem.TemporaryFile
if TempFile = Nil then Return
dim TempBinary as BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Open(TempFile, True)
if TempBinary = Nil then Return
TempBinary.Write("#!/bin/sh" + EndOfLine.UNIX + "/usr/bin/ditto " + LicenseFile.ShellPath + " " + ServerFolder.ShellPath)

'set permissions for shell script
dim theShell as new Shell
theShell.Execute("chmod 777 " + TempFile.ShellPath)
if theShell.ExitCode <> 0 then
Globals.theErrorLog.logitem(currentMethodName + " shell exit code: " + str(theShell.ExitCode))
end if

'now execute the Shell script with Authorization
if theAuthorisation = nil then
theAuthorisation = new AuthorizationMBS
if not theAuthorisation.SimpleNewAuthorization then Return
end if

dim s(-1) as String
theAuthorisation.Execute(TempFile.UnixpathMBS, s)
if theAuthorisation.LastError = 0 then
dim theResult as Integer = theAuthorisation.Wait
if theResult = 0 then
'snip: error handling

end if

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Beatrix Willius Akzeptierte Antwort
Are you there?

The scripts actually did something. They made VServer crash hard:

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x192def204 __pthread_kill + 8
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x192e25cec pthread_kill + 288
2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x192d5f354 __abort + 128
3 libsystem_c.dylib 0x192d5f2d4 abort + 192
4 libc++abi.dylib 0x192ddfb18 abort_message + 132
5 libc++abi.dylib 0x192dcfa0c demangling_terminate_handler() + 336
6 libobjc.A.dylib 0x192ad7774 _objc_terminate() + 160
7 libc++abi.dylib 0x192ddeeb4 std::__terminate(void (*)()) + 20
8 libc++abi.dylib 0x192de1c2c __cxxabiv1::failed_throw(__cxxabiv1::__cxa_exception*) + 36
9 libc++abi.dylib 0x192de1bd8 __cxa_throw + 140
10 libvshared_mt_fat_release_x64.dylib 0x1054b8ca4 fbl::File::ThrowFileException(unsigned int, unsigned short const*) const + 84
11 libvshared_mt_fat_release_x64.dylib 0x1054c8920 fbl::File_Mac_Posix::DoCreate() + 112
12 libvshared_mt_fat_release_x64.dylib 0x1054b7bc8 fbl::File::Create() + 172
13 libvshared_mt_fat_release_x64.dylib 0x1054b3290 fbl::CreateTextFile(fbl::smart_ptr<fbl::I_Location>;) + 100
14 libvserver_fat_release_x64.dylib 0x1059c82f4 V_Server_Base::InitLog() + 328
15 libvserver_fat_release_x64.dylib 0x1059c7e38 V_Server_Base::Start() + 44
16 libvserver_fat_release_x64.dylib 0x1059da598 V_TP_Reactor_Server::Start() + 152
17 libvserver_fat_release_x64.dylib 0x105a2e4bc VSRV_Server::Start() + 40
18 vserver_x64 0x1049d3ed4 main + 124
19 dyld 0x192affe50 start + 2544

What file is VServer trying to create? The log file???
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Ivan Smahin Akzeptierte Antwort
Yes, it was attempt to create vServer log. I’ll try to reproduce it.
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Beatrix Willius Akzeptierte Antwort
With the help of Thomas Tempelmann I was able to solve the problem. I added some logging to the start script:

touch /tmp/a1
launchctl bootstrap system /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.paradigmasoft.vserver_x64.plist &>/tmp/a1

This gave me an error message:

Warning: Expecting a LaunchAgents path since the command was ran as user. Got LaunchDaemons instead.
`launchctl bootstrap` is a recommended alternative.
/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.paradigmasoft.vserver_x64.plist: service already loaded
Load failed: 37: Operation already in progress

Then I used the new launchctl syntax (since Yosemite!!!) for loading and unloading:

launchctl bootstrap system /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.paradigmasoft.vserver_x64.plist
launchctl bootout system /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.paradigmasoft.vserver_x64.plist

I'll be doing some bug reports/feature requests.

Hope you are doing as well as possible!
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François Van Lerberghe Akzeptierte Antwort
Warning: Expecting a LaunchAgents path since the command was ran as user

Is it not an admin user who must run the LaunchDaemon ? Or have I misunderstood...

Is using "bootstrap" a new requirement for the new OS ? I don't use it with Mojave, Catalina or BigSur
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Beatrix Willius Akzeptierte Antwort
It looks like AuthorisationMBS which should be sudo in fact it isn't quite. This was surprising to me, too.

For Yosemite launchctl was rewritten. But everyone just continues to use the old syntax. See https://joelsenders.wordpress.com/2019/03/14/dear-launchctl-were-all-using-you-wrong/ .
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