Many moons ago I started with my own version of Valentina Server. These days I finally finished the installer.
There is one remaining problem. I want to use slightly different and scripts so that I can use them from the Xojo shell. Basically, I took the sudos out. The changed scripts work fine when I use them in Terminal. But nothing happens when I use them from within Xojo. If I execute the stop script the server is still running afterwards.
I made a simple Xojo app with three buttons to stop, start and check the server. . For authorisation I use the MBS plugin.
Code is available at . I also added the changed and scripts. The installer makes sure that the scripts have the correct permissions. Using Xojo 2022r2 on High Sierra and 2022r3beta on Ventura beta 6.
What am I doing wrong?
I hope that you are doing as well as can be expected.