====== DIAGNOSE ====== This statement execute DIAGNOSE of the specified database or tables or fields. ===== Syntax ===== diagnose : DIAGNOSE DATABASE [ verbose_level ] | DIAGNOSE TABLE table_name_list [ verbose_level ] | DIAGNOSE FIELD table_dot_column_list [ verbose_level ] verbose_level : [VERBOSE] { NONE | LOW | NORMAL | HIGH | VERYHIGH } table_name_list : table_name , ... table_dot_column_list : table_dot_column, ... table_dot_column : table_name.column_name ===== Arguments ===== **[verbose_level]**
Specifies how many information will be produced in the log file, but not affect how good diagnose is executed, in any case all database objects are tested.
The list of names of Tables to be diagnosed.
** table_dot_column**
The list of full names of Fields to be diagnosed.
===== Notes ===== As result of DIAGNOSE command work is a text file, produced in the same folder where the database is located. ===== Examples ===== DIAGNOSE DATABASE; DIAGNOSE DATABASE VERYHIGH; DIAGNOSE TABLE tblPerson; DIAGNOSE FIELD tblPerson.fldFirstName;