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Report Editor - Report Viewer Help

Valentina Studio Pro provides you Report Editor to design rich reports visually.
Starting from v6.4, free Valentina Studio improved to provide you free Report Viewer.

With Valentina Studio Report Viewer, you can:

  • change a datasource to set options used to connect to the datasource
  • preview a report
  • print a report
  • export a report into a different format
  • use command line interface to generate reports from terminal or automation scripts

Report Viewer does not include actual editing of report objects or design elements, but allows for easy sharing, viewing and printing of reports that were created with Valentina Studio Pro. The flexibility allowed to change datasources makes it possible to test different data scenarios, even in the free version of Valentina Studio.

Usage Scenario

  • Developer or IT staff uses Valentina Studio Pro to create a Report project (with datasources, queries, reports), and then sends the Report project to a customer
  • Customer, using Valentina Studio FREE version, can work with this project - open it, adjust datasource for different scenarios and navigate to a Report Preview, set values for interactive parameters, export to PDF, print to printer and more

Report Project Tab

When you open a project, the project appears in a project tab. You can view the included data sources immediately.

You are not limited only to viewing. Select a query or datasource and click Edit… to make adjustments. Contextual menus are available.

Select an existing report, then click the Preview button to get into preview mode. You can also double-click a report, or view from the contextual menu.

Note that the Edit…button in the screenshot is inactive. It is inactive because the screenshot depicts the Report in the free version of Valentina Studio.

Preview Mode

In Preview Mode, you have full navigational control over your report, allowing you to move forward or backward through it. But you are not limited to just viewing it within Valentina Studio. You can also:

  • export the report to all supported formats, PDF, text, HTML and more
  • display the report in your broswer
  • print the report to your printer
  • make some adjustments to the appearance, margins and other properties

This preview feature was previously available only in Valentina Studio Pro, but is included in all versions of Valentina Studio from version 6.4.

Parameters in Your Applications

Report Viewer uses the VReport Class VReport.SetParameterValue() to work with parameters within Valentina Studio.

Valentina Reports ADK exposes these classes to developers to allow creation of applications that also work with parameters in the same way that Report Viewer does.