List of keywords (reserved words) of Valentina SQL.
Note, that you can always get the list of keywords for your current Valentina engine easily using the ValentinaSQL command “SHOW VKEYWORDS”.
Note, that you should avoid using the keywords of ValentinaSQL as the names of your db objects. In case this is required you should use double quotes around such names in your SQL commands. Also tend to use TIP about naming db objects with prefixes.
SELECT * FROM "global"; -- Identifiers with spaces or matching to keywords can be quotes using double quotes "" SELECT * FROM tblGlobal; -- an example of using prefix 'tbl' to the name of a Table.
absolute action add admin after all alter ancestors [v4.1] and any are [v8.0] array [v8.0] as asc ascendants assertion [v8.0] asymmetric [v8.0] at authorization [v8.0] auto [v4.0] auto_increment autoincrement avg
backup backward base64 [v5.0] before begin between bigint binary bit bit_and bit_length bit_or bit_xor blob boolean both brothers [v4.1] by byte
call cascade case cast cdata [v4.0] change channel channels char character check checks [v5.0] clone close coalesce collate column columns comment commit committed compact completion compressed connection connections [v4.0] constraint constraints constructor [v8.0] convert copy corr count covar create cross cube current current_date current_role current_time current_timestamp current_user cursor cycle [v5.0]
data database databases date datetime ddl [v5.0] dec decimal declare default defragment delete desc descendants [v4.1] diagnose disable disabled distinct do domain [v8.0] double drop duplicate [v8.0] dynamic [v8.0]
each element [v4.0] elements [v4.0] else elseif enable enabled encode [v5.0] end ends enum enum16 enum8 escape event events every except exception execute exists external extract
false fetch field fields filter final first fixedbinary flag float for foreign forward free from full function fusion
get global grant granted group
hash having high hold hour html [v4.0]
identified identity if ignore [v4.0] ilike immediate in increment [v5.0] index indexed indexes [v5.0] indicator infile [v4.0] initially inner inout insert instance instantiable instead int integer intersect intersection interval into is is_leaf [v5.0] isolation iterate
join jpg [v4.0] json [v5.5]
key keyvalue [v7.0] keyvalues [v7.0]
language large last leading leave left level like like_regex limit lines [v4.0] link links llong load [v4.0] local localtime localtimestamp log [v5.0] logoff [v5.0] logon [v5.0] long longtext loop low lower
many match matched [v6.0] max maxvalue [v5.0] medium mediumint mediumtext member [v8.0] merge [v7.0] method min minvalue [v5.0] modifies modify module money multiset [v8.0]
natural new next no none normal normalize not null nullif nulls numeric
objectptr of offset old on one only open option or order others out outer overlaps overlay overridden overriding owner
pages [v4.0] parameter parentdirection partial partition password pdf [v4.0] picture pivot position precision prepare preserve primary print prior privileges procedure procedures project [v4.0] projects [v4.0] properties property
raise raiseerror ram raw [v4.0] rdblink read real record records ref references referencing regex regexp register reindex relative release rename repair repeat repeatable replace report [v4.0] restrict result return returns revoke right rlike role rollback rollup root roots row row_number rows
savepoint schedule schema scope scroll search select separator sequence [v5.0] sequences [v5.0] serial32 [v5.0] serial64 [v5.0] serializable server session_user set short show shutdown [v5.0] similar simple smallint some source [v6.0] specific specifictype start [v5.0] starts startup [v5.0] statement static statistic status std stddev stddev_pop string structure style styles subscribe substring substring_regex sum symmetric system system_user
table tables tablesample target [v6.0] temporary terminated [v4.0] text then time timestamp tinyint tinytext to trailing transaction trigger triggers trim true truncate type [v5.0] types [v5.0]
uchar ullong ulong umedium uncommitted under union unique unknown unlink unsigned unsubscribe until update upper upsert usage use user users ushort using
value values varbinary varchar variables variant [v7.0] varying verbose veryhigh vidents view vkeywords
when whenever where while window with within without words work write
x xml [v4.0] xmlagg xmlattributes xmlelement xmlforest
zerofill zone