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Running Valentina Server in Terminal

When you are debugging a solution built around any edition of Valentina Server, it is highly productive to do interactively in a terminal window. To do this, you need to run Valentina Server in a terminal window.

How you run Valentina Server in a terminal window depends on the host operating system.

On Windows

STOP VServer

  • To open a console, go to the Start Menu and select Run. Type in cmd.
  • In order to interactively watch Valentina Server live, in the associated VServer.ini file you need to set LogToConsole = 1.
  • Stop the service of Valentina Server from the control panel “Services”.

START VServer in Terminal

  • From the command line, run Valentina Server with option -d
> "C:/Program Files/Paradigma Software/VServer_Office/VServer_Office.exe" -d

TIP: You can simply drag the VServer executable from Finder to the terminal window to not type its full path.

NOTE: To stop the Valentina Server that runs in the terminal, press Ctrl-C. This safely closes all databases and stops VServer.

On MacOS X

STOP VServer

  • You can use AppleScript 'STOP' from the Scripts menu of the Finder (read more...)
  • Stop VServer from the terminal window using the same command as AppleScript:

launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.paradigmasoft.vserver_office.plist

START VServer in Terminal

  • You can use AppleScript 'START' from the Scripts menu of the Finder (read more...)
  • Start VServer from the terminal window using the same command as AppleScript:
launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.paradigmasoft.vserver_office.plist

But both these ways will not allow us to see in the live mode the log messages from Valentina Server. To see messages you must drag into the Terminal window the executable itself stored inside of VServer_Office.app package and start it. On default this is


TIP: You can simply drag the VServer executable from Finder to the terminal window to not type its full path.

NOTE: To stop the Valentina Server that runs in the terminal, press Ctrl-C. This safely closes all databases and stops VServer.