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V4RB Example Guide Introduction

Local and Client-Server modes

Please note, that practically all above examples are developed to be able to work in both LOCAL and CLIENT - SERVER modes.

To switch modes you should open in your project module ExampleTools, go to method initValentina() and set the variable gClient to be TRUE.

gClient = true  

To be able to work in the different modes, the ExampleTools module contains few methods, which do work according to the value of gClient flag.

ATTENTION: Valentina Examples cannot work with Valentina Server which runs using license_emb_dddddd file, because VServer in this case expect connection signature, which examples do not provide. Please use Examples only with Vserver that runs with license_mac_dddd or license_win_dddd files.

Project Build Settings

When you work with a REALbasic project, before compile it or run it, you should check Project Build Settings.

  • IF you work on Windows, then choose checkbox “Win98 or later”.
  • if you work on MacOS with RB UB 2006 r4 or newer then choose checkbox “Mac OS X Universal”.